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  1. H

    A N00Bs Guide to Finding a Technical Cofounder

    Hello! I'm a non-technical (PM) cofounder & I met my technical cofounder via YC's cofounder matching platform. It took me ~3 months and ~60+ engineers to find the right fit. That's a whole lotta dates... I've documented my process here, including...
  2. H

    A n00b's guide to finding a technical co-founder (63 dates later...)

    @chocolatesquare Some resources: YC's co-founder matching platform: - Free to sign up - You fill out a profile, and then basically swipe right/left on other profiles (like a dating app) - You can filter based on things like location, age, area...
  3. H

    A n00b's guide to finding a technical co-founder (63 dates later...)

    Hello! I'm a non-technical (PM) cofounder & I met my technical cofounder via YC's cofounder matching platform. It took me ~3 months and ~60+ engineers to find the right fit. I've...