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    An AI who gives psychological support and assists in solving life problems. Helps you understand yourself, stay calm, happier and motivated

    @pyrhonn What's the business model? Also, isn't this just Facebook? The echo chambers they create can get pretty comforting.
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    DeltaDoc - Compare PDF & word documents online

    @oleks Neat hobby. Or do you plan on charging for this service at some point in time?
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    The Uber & Airbnb of the Clothing Industry

    @tajdin I genuinely don't know. It depends on price points. Personally, I think shipping costs are going to drive the price up to a price point very near buying the clothes myself.
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    The Uber & Airbnb of the Clothing Industry

    @tajdin That's an interesting iteration, but then how is this different from traditional online stores? Also, shipping 3-4 times per transaction is going to get expensive. It would probably be cheaper if you offered cash or store credit and simply bought the old clothes off of people. But...
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    The Uber & Airbnb of the Clothing Industry

    @tajdin This runs into problems for individual execution. Say I have a nice closet, and am willing to loan some clothes out. For you to come and try my shit on, you have to physically come to my closet and try shit on. That means I have to actually be present and talk to you about clothes...