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  1. H

    Idea: A way to buy things from different vendors using a single login

    @zybercon So PayPal?
  2. H

    Roast our machine learning platform – TrainingSet.AI

    @roy32 Have you found anyone with all of these characteristic: The budget for this tool; a team of AI people able to do anything with the labeled data; a large image/video/text set in need of labelling; and a team of trained labelers standing by? That seems like an unlikely buyer. I think you...
  3. H

    Loans for First Homes

    @melancthon1521 I don't get it. What's special here? This looks like any other mortgage advisor. What makes this is a startup as opposed to just a new company?
  4. H

    An App That Helps You Be Social

    @xsmbthu3hoa SoMoLo