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    The application I used to get into YC as a solo founder and no revenue, AMA

    @james_conor Awesome, thanks for the share
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    YC rejection stings less after speaking with unicorn founder

    @muwoni For the most part, they do make exceptions though
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    YC rejection stings less after speaking with unicorn founder

    @niasia Yeah we did early admission -- heard this about the interview I personally enjoy fast-paced grilling like this, partially because it's fun (did a lot when selling a prev company), and partially because our in-person meetings tend to convey an ability our backgrounds do not (non-FAANG...
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    YC rejection stings less after speaking with unicorn founder

    @niasia No interview even, that was the cause of my surprise
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    YC rejection stings less after speaking with unicorn founder

    @linda7050 Yeah we're actually cool with it after that convo -- and honestly a bit excited since realizing we're not missing out on some huge value locked behind a gatekeeper
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    The application I used to get into YC as a solo founder and no revenue, AMA

    @james_conor Agreed -- I just didn't realize there would be enough work to hire a full-time designer in the early stages
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    The application I used to get into YC as a solo founder and no revenue, AMA

    @james_conor Wow a designer full-time? That's the one role I can't really do myself, and was intending to contract it out, but didn't realize a full-time design hire was a first option Thanks!
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    The application I used to get into YC as a solo founder and no revenue, AMA

    @james_conor Just wondering: - In what order did you make your first hires? - At what level / how did you incentivize your first hires since none were at a co-founder equity level? (I understand if you're limited in what you can share) As a technical solo founder myself, I'm wondering how to...
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    YC rejection stings less after speaking with unicorn founder

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    YC rejection stings less after speaking with unicorn founder

    Like many, we were rejected from YC after our third or fourth attempt. What surprised us, was not even landing an interview. I'd previously been reached out to by a YC partner saying my application was strong, but just needed a co-founder. We had customers, 4-digit MRR, market validation in an...