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  1. E

    I'm going to roast your SaaS website's marketing. Drop your link and let's go!

    @knownunknown I mean, you do you man, I'm just giving you my PoV. Pro tip - what you might think is a major pain is just a minor inconvenience. Have you ever seen a random thread about someone complaining about how annoying it is to click "accept cookies?" Talked to anyone IRL that hates...
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    I'm going to roast your SaaS website's marketing. Drop your link and let's go!

    @knownunknown So think this is the main thing here: Yes, you offer a unique benefit (GDPR compliant + free), but you still need to sell me your software well. I also have the option of using Drift freemium for the same exact purpose, and the tool has a ton of features + works very well for...
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    I'm going to roast your SaaS website's marketing. Drop your link and let's go!

    @bayoubeliver I'm gonna roast yo momma drop her FB handle
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    I'm going to roast your SaaS website's marketing. Drop your link and let's go!

    @pizzaaddict Needs a lot of work. First off, it should be 100% clear what your software is about from the first headline. "no sign-up, just easy communication" can mean 1000 different things. Needs more screenshots of your software. Re: the bit about "we make it easy to engage..." - you don't...
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    I'm going to roast your SaaS website's marketing. Drop your link and let's go!

    @lisarebecca It's super barebones and could def. be improved. As-is, the page is mostly text - you want to include a ton of screenshots of your features to help the reader visualize what the software is/does. The landing page should also answer questions like: - What are the use-cases for the...
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    I'm going to roast your SaaS website's marketing. Drop your link and let's go!

    @simonssen Think the landing page is just fine - your use case is super straightforward. The page doesn't have to be super detailed. If you wanted to improve it, you could add a custom illustration that explains the entire concept in a single image. E.g. driver sending link, Otherwise, the...
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    I'm going to roast your SaaS website's marketing. Drop your link and let's go!

    @nathaniela Oh hey, think you guys featured me in one of your articles! Cool beans. So my question is, do you segment the leads by source? E.g. did you look at whether you're getting low quality leads from specific channels? I just looked at your Google rankings and it seems like you're...
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    I'm going to roast your SaaS website's marketing. Drop your link and let's go!

    @acsc Think you can do a better job selling the product. The first question that pops in my head when I see this is, "why would I use this over Google Analytics?" Then I see the first product screenshot, and I'm like yeah, this looks just like GA. Some things I'd recommend: - Focus the...
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    I'm going to roast your SaaS website's marketing. Drop your link and let's go!

    @thetreeoflifeway Not much to say here, the landing is super basic and barebones. "from blank page to published book in 4 steps" sounds like a big-time oversimplification. The page doesn't adequately explain what your tool does. "Choose a template and fill it in" - what kind of template? How...
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    I'm going to roast your SaaS website's marketing. Drop your link and let's go!

    @richard1970 Don't have much to say about the load time, but there's def. improvements on the homepage. The video, I think, sounds a bit like you're dropping a trailer for your hot new mixtape than explaining what your CRM does. The music and the special effects are really overkill. Also, your...
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    I'm going to roast your SaaS website's marketing. Drop your link and let's go!

    Hey guys! I did a similar thread here a while back & it was pretty fun, so thought I'd do a round 2. Tl;dr, you drop your SaaS website and I'll give it a good roasting. This includes feedback on SEO, general marketing, landing page copy, how you present your product, and so on. How this works...
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    SEO case study - 0 to 200,000+ monthly organic traffic in under 2 years, zero link-building ops

    @jenur Absolutely yeah. Link-building can get you to rank way, way faster. In some niches, namely in very competitive niches like CBD, casinos, VPN, and the like, link-building is the only way to rank in the first place. In this case, the client specifically didn't want to focus on...
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    SEO case study - 0 to 200,000+ monthly organic traffic in under 2 years, zero link-building ops

    @estherofazuza Pretty meh, a freebie would definitely work better but we're not super focused on growing an email audience.
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    SEO case study - 0 to 200,000+ monthly organic traffic in under 2 years, zero link-building ops

    @613jono Right, so here's what I can tell ya about this. The user experience of your content matters. The more easy to read, enjoyable, etc. your articles are, the better engagement metrics you're going to have, which can impact your rankings for sure. In more competitive niches, this plays a...
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    SEO case study - 0 to 200,000+ monthly organic traffic in under 2 years, zero link-building ops

    So a while back, we grew a SaaS website from 0 to 200,000 monthly organic traffic in less than 2 years with zero active link-building. We ranked them for some very high-competition keywords (15 USD CPC and above). The SEO sub really liked the case study so thought you guys might dig it too...
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    30+ ways to market your local business - tactics, channels, tips, and more

    @faithfulfindings It depends. You should blog if you can do either of these things: 1) show off that you're an authority in your niche with content. If you publish quality posts, they'll know you're an expert and are more likely to convert 2) promote your content online to drive traffic or...
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    30+ ways to market your local business - tactics, channels, tips, and more

    Hey guys! Marketing a local business is quite different from marketing any other type of business, and a lot of the marketing content you read on the net doesn't actually apply to your biz. E.g. you don't need to overkill your social media game, publish hundreds of SEO blog posts, or do crazy...