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  1. L

    200 customers, $300 monthly subscription fee, 9 paying customers. Should I try startup accelerator?

    @bestafar Probably the only thing accelerators can help you with is growing your business. I doubt they would help you run it. And actually some would reject you straight away for being single founder. If you need help with operations you are probably better off finding a partner or hiring...
  2. L

    How I made $7,500 MRR in passive income in 38 days via Fitness Trainers Brokerage

    @agustin956 I worked as a contractor and used to handle small scale recruitment. It is a standard thingy. In B2B contracts you can almost put anything. Beside if you think about it, if you hire a headhunter to find you a person, what stops you from hiring him directly and not paying the...
  3. L

    How I made $7,500 MRR in passive income in 38 days via Fitness Trainers Brokerage

    @agustin956 How come? It's a pretty basic clause in any headhunting contract in the EU. Also fee for pouching consultants that used to work in the company