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  1. S

    There’s more SaaS start kits than SaaS startups

    @deecruz Excellent observation! Yesterday actually, I saw this great concept (not even an MVP) to test the waters for a very ambitious idea: They are getting a lot of traction in their waitlist, already validating the concept. But to your point, this kind of thing is...
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    First time founder building a SaaS product… but I feel like it’s always needing one more thing… before beta launch

    @meduhsinman Just launch it. The game only begins AFTER you launch. It's a lot of fun! But if you wait to launch, you miss the fun! See you on the other side :)
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    A new way to grow your audience

    @qwertykey Loved your intro, I can relate. I try to think about marketing as building an audience. So, my job as a builder is to build product and audience. Regarding tactics, I’ve found that cold email outreach is the best to drive growth. You just need to collect targeted emails from people in...
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    This is how YC works. "We accept idea stage" is a partial myth that gives regular people hope

    @laramarina Perfect. The majority of successes did it without YC. Just one addition: imho every VC behaves as described. It’s not an unique behavior from YC. You either show traction or show credentials. It’s impossible to raise money without both.
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    This is how YC works. "We accept idea stage" is a partial myth that gives regular people hope

    @youb4me The opposite: This is the perfect place to say something like this :)