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  1. S

    How to grow my cleaning business

    @gavinswalker So for that promo I offered 4 hours of whatever they wanted. It helped me get experience but also made it to where I didn’t have to commit to an entire house if I couldn’t fit it in the timeframe. I was brand new and had no stamina physically so it was a good way for me to get...
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    How to grow my cleaning business

    @gavinswalker I don’t do any advertising. In the beginning I used care dot com and also offered some $100 cleanings in a couple Facebook groups and got myself a full schedule that way really quick. Other clients have come along the way as referrals. Right now I have 2 spots I want to fill and...
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    How to grow my cleaning business

    @ecign8 These are GREAT ideas!! Thank you! And you said it - I feel super trapped by my customers. I am so worried about $ all the time it has never occurred to me to just try replacing someone at a higher price and see if it sticks. I said in another comment I wish I had a better business mind...
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    How to grow my cleaning business

    @ecign8 I sure don’t. We live week to week as it is. There’s a lot of moving parts to any business which I understand, it’s just so scary to make any moves at all when the risk is not having rent money or gas/food money if the timing is bad. I’ve thought about trying to get a loan but that’s...
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    How to grow my cleaning business

    @crownfair Thank you!! I'd be happy if I could just do the bathrooms and kitchens and let someone else do the rest of the house like straightening beds, dusting, glass, vacuum, mop, change trash, etc. I am picky about bathrooms and kitchens because those are the highest used living areas and I...
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    How to grow my cleaning business

    @sherrick0915 Yes that would be ideal! All my friends and family know what I do and everyone is either otherwise employed or not interested, which is fine. Aside from them, no one has come along that I would trust to work with.
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    How to grow my cleaning business

    @angelj Logistics is where I get overwhelmed and just end up doing everything myself because I’m too scared to lose money so I keep things like they are and stay miserable, lol. But really you’re right - the need for help and new clients at the same time is a real kicker.
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    How to grow my cleaning business

    @pastorpontibus I am new to this sub reddit – just found it today actually! I will have to research the ladder method. I’ve never heard of it but it seems to make sense. Getting through that profit loss while training people is my first hurdle to overcome. Going to answer your questions one at a...
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    How to grow my cleaning business

    @pastorpontibus Really love this response! Going to come back when the evening settles and write out my thoughts and answers.
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    How to grow my cleaning business

    @matt999 Yes!!! Let me know what information you’d like me to have ready for when we talk. I’ll send a message. Thank you!
  11. S

    How to grow my cleaning business

    @dreis Interesting! Never heard the 1/3 rule but I like it! Yeah I don’t factor any of these things. This is where I get bogged down and just stop the thought train altogether because it’s overwhelming to me. I really wish I had a better business mind. I do work for myself but I also see that I...
  12. S

    How to grow my cleaning business

    @dreis Ugh overhead. I didn’t think of that either. I know I’d have to have some kind of scheduling and management software to keep it all organized. I also need to think of getting cleaners their own supplies for jobs we don’t go on together. What else would I need to think of as overhead?
  13. S

    How to grow my cleaning business

    @dreis Yeah definitely. $30 is just for me. If I bring people on, I will have to bump to $45 maybe $50 and pay someone $15/hr to work with me. Problem is I think I’d lose existing clients because of a big price increase and I can’t go without them.
  14. S

    How to grow my cleaning business

    I’ve been cleaning houses about 2.5 years. I didn’t set out to, it just happened out of desperation and now I’m still doing it. Turns out, I am really good at cleaning. I keep a full book of clients. Three of my regulars have been with me since I first started. I have my schedule set up to...