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    International eCommerce folks - which countries do you absolutely avoid b/c of logistics nightmare?

    @mcclintonforthree ANy particular stories / experience? Which niche are you in?
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    International eCommerce folks - which countries do you absolutely avoid b/c of logistics nightmare?

    we're expanding and are considering few developing countries.. but i know customs / tax / corruption is quite rampant in the developing part of the world... not to mention really horrible last mile / delivery logistics. Any countries you particularly avoid ? would appreciate detailed response...
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    30% boost in cold email response rates - "mail-merging" images

    @veronm144 thanks yeap. possibilities are endless since "template" / background can also be personalized. im open to other suggestions to see what you guys do with it. one suggestion I got was having "multiple" images that can be merged together.. for example.. if u sell products in multiple...
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    30% boost in cold email response rates - "mail-merging" images

    [To mods] Remove if not allowed. But this tool is free. Not really monetizing or anything like that. Not even user registration. I'm just sharing with sales community as someone who works in sales and engineering. I don't believe in sales hacks and tricks.. but it does seem stacking 1% here and...