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    Digital world is over engineered

    @pamxxxx Sounds like you agree with me?
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    Digital world is over engineered

    @spiritualhuman Yes that’s a fair exception. I do still think that there is much more greenspace and opportunity for true world improvement in the physical world than in software.
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    Digital world is over engineered

    @caljreich Agreed. If you’re an aspiring founder who wants to truly change the world, you’re doing hardware, full stop. But that’s hard so people do software instead.
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    YC founder thinks AI Wrappers are doomed to fail

    @erizza Agreed with what you're saying, though I don't think I'd label your idea as an LLM Wrapper.
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    How we ranked # 2 rank on Google in just 2 month

    @futuretrainee Excellent post.
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    YC founder thinks AI Wrappers are doomed to fail

    @iam815518 Where does long term defensibility come from? You can say Instagram is an S3 wrapper, but the defensibility comes from the user base and brand. How does Tome defend its position when other products get better? Jasper was a success story for a bit, then it turned out it had no...
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    Learned the hard way, do things that don't scale

    @revena That's not what "tarpit idea" means. For something to be a tarpit, it must actually sound appealing and interesting at first glance (which you clearly don't think this is). To OP, I also think the original idea you have is bad. But, I think that by engaging with potential users and...
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    This is how YC works. "We accept idea stage" is a partial myth that gives regular people hope

    @hesgoturback Yes but the bigger the idea the more worthless it is. Let’s take a few examples: Flying cars, curing cancer, increasing longevity. 3 giant ideas. Multi-billion (maybe trillion) dollar ideas. But no one in their right mind will give me money just because the idea is big.
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    This is how YC works. "We accept idea stage" is a partial myth that gives regular people hope

    @hesgoturback Yes but the bigger the idea the more worthless it is. Let’s take a few examples: Flying cars, curing cancer, increasing longevity. 3 giant ideas. Multi-billion (maybe trillion) dollar ideas. But no one in their right mind will give me money just because the idea is big.
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    YC founder thinks AI Wrappers are doomed to fail

    @shamakwa Yes, but those startups should not be raising money.