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    300 Applications later! Here is what I learned.

    @rollo22 Hey absolutely I will send you my LinkedIn any help is appreciated
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    300 Applications later! Here is what I learned.

    @athaddeus Sent you a DM
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    300 Applications later! Here is what I learned.

    @vinter Well it’s not a SaaS platform, it’s a locally hosted licensed yearly product due to the sensitivity of the platform. Might go SaaS down the road when more products get added to it. But I concur with the marketing and was wondering to go the route of founder led marketing which is...
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    300 Applications later! Here is what I learned.

    @kairo Sent it
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    300 Applications later! Here is what I learned.

    @machine45 Sure sent
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    300 Applications later! Here is what I learned.

    @cahoon1986 DM sent cheers
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    300 Applications later! Here is what I learned.

    @henriettag Hey thanks for the positive comment, yes to answer your question I’m doing this in addition to talking to users and building customer base and attending cyber conferences all over USA to get customers. All tandem. Since I don’t have time in my hand we want to implement everything...
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    300 Applications later! Here is what I learned.

    @herprayer I agree with you on so many points there, yes my next step is building and selling to get customer base. I’m going to take what you said and start implementing it. We have a working product already, just no customers yet and that’s where the connections come in which I was hoping YC...
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    300 Applications later! Here is what I learned.

    @sassnnbide Done
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    300 Applications later! Here is what I learned.

    @desired001 Grit and hustle I have in spades, I would love to hear your story
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    300 Applications later! Here is what I learned.

    @celticpiping Thank you, I haven’t been accepted yet and only being rejected from 2 of them, I had 3 interviews so far and more to come. I recon by the time I get an acceptance I should be done with all the list. Then I’m gonna visit conferences and pitch my product there. If everyone knows they...
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    300 Applications later! Here is what I learned.

    @villek Well we have MVP done and demo product is what we are using to show and tell. We are close to launching our beta stage to the public. It’s not like we are just using an idea to raise funding which most incubators and investors are funding
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    300 Applications later! Here is what I learned.

    @scarletbeast That’s the goal once we finish production, go heavy in getting customers
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    300 Applications later! Here is what I learned.

    @scarletbeast Any advice I can look into for fund raising ? I can’t open source my product so can’t get traction there nor is my product fully built to be deployed in enterprise.
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    300 Applications later! Here is what I learned.

    @notly1988 Hi Zach your point is accurate: our product is turn key with low touch, it’s actually is designed for medium to large business and govt agencies. I can’t just sell it to avg user as they won’t have any use of it so no validation there. However I have pitched this idea to few CISOs...
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    300 Applications later! Here is what I learned.

    @hunterchappy Yes 100%
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    300 Applications later! Here is what I learned.

    @futantagenda Well we have a team who is working on product development and ML implementation. I direct my focus on both engineering as well as fundraising side.
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    300 Applications later! Here is what I learned.

    @rainn I had an alternate motive for these many applications. I didn’t know anything about startups business, financial projections, product, market fit, etc. this forced me to research a lot. I read a lot, watch a lot of videos and many TED talks during the process. I feel like this one month...
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    300 Applications later! Here is what I learned.

    Background: US based solo founder, No Ivy, no daddy’s silver spoon, no frat. Just cold hard work day and night to make my product and success. The situation started when I applied YC application for S24, application asked me a lot of critical questions which I had to research, I filled up the...
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    When it makes sense to build an open-source SaaS non-dev-tool

    @slippinginfaith I always found that if a product can be offered for free I’m never gonna pay for the paid version and change the code myself to suit my needs. Open sourcing your product is the best way to cannibalize your company. Instead have a strong monetization strategy and start getting...