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  1. K

    Why don’t incubators/accelerators provide technical assistance?

    @reynaldo I am really keen to know which ones. Thanks.
  2. K

    Why don’t incubators/accelerators provide technical assistance?

    @johnpereless I completely agree. The founders need domain expertise. So for a startup which is building an AI based medical system, there is no way you can outsource. At the same time, it is obvious that only people with deep knowledge in AI and medical field can come up with such an idea...
  3. K

    Why don’t incubators/accelerators provide technical assistance?

    @johnpereless The problem you stated is exactly what we are trying to solve. A team which is focussed at building the software for them and is also committed to help the startup build their in-house team at the right time can really make a lot of difference. A team that acts as facilitators or...
  4. K

    Why don’t incubators/accelerators provide technical assistance?

    @galacticcapybara Is there a way we can connect?
  5. K

    Why don’t incubators/accelerators provide technical assistance?

    We work extensively with startups and over last 4 years, we have helped startups build MVPs, launch the product, provided 24 X 7 support and even helped them build their own teams. Majority of the startups were bootstrapped or had investors within the known circle. The remaining few were...