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    Looking for honest feedback? Share your project and I'll send you a one-pager with my thoughts

    @ilovejesus12376 Thanks! I can offer you a free roast in exchange 💪
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    Doing marketing as an entrepreneur: What I'm doing + Asking for feedback

    @nusue Thanks for the class! I will definitely be making use of this knowledge in future projects!
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    Doing marketing as an entrepreneur: What I'm doing + Asking for feedback

    @ms4runr2 Thanks! Seems like something very basic I should know 😅 Better late than never!
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    Doing marketing as an entrepreneur: What I'm doing + Asking for feedback

    @wisprof That's what I hope! 💪 Thanks again for the comments!
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    Doing marketing as an entrepreneur: What I'm doing + Asking for feedback

    @wisprof I see. I hadn't considered case studies, but they definitely seem like a good way to go. I've never conducted one though, so I'll have to experiment a bit. I also received feedback to include a "demo" report, which I think could also serve somewhat the same purpose, but not as well. >...
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    Doing marketing as an entrepreneur: What I'm doing + Asking for feedback

    Hi /r/growthhacking! Jumping right in: I'm a software developer diving into marketing for the first time. Beyond just selling, I want to get good at gathering user feedback - things like beta testers and testimonials. I'm learning as I go. A bit about me: I'm building software products in...