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    2 years in but still struggling to get any users - Any advice?

    @fizh With your cold email a few questions. First thing that comes to mind if you have a %50 open rate there seems to be interest. If you’re asking THEM to book in your calendar after the first email it’s a hard CTA as opposed to a soft CTA, such as, “Can I share more?” In which case you could...
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    2 years in but still struggling to get any users - Any advice?

    @anxiousonthebrightside Well said.
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    I don't know if I f*cked up, I spent 3 years building this, can I get feedback on it?

    @scot21t Never heard of The Startup Manual. Quickly checked the link and it was published in 2012. How relevant is the context today? Some writings age like fine wine, sometimes not. Before I dive deep into what are your thoughts?
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    How I got 100+ users in the first 24 hours

    @megalos How many followers do you have on Twitter? I ask because I will be creating an account I. The next few weeks to do a product launch as well, and I’m totally new to Twitter/X. Any particular hashtags you use?