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    Todorant — my todo list app that uses cognitive psychology to trick brain into completing tasks

    @613jono Interestingly enough, when I switched to a longer description, conversion rate skyrocketed :) I guess my app might be better suited for people who want to see this "wall of text". Chances are — you wouldn't like the app anyway, I guess :)
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    Todorant — my todo list app that uses cognitive psychology to trick brain into completing tasks

    @felonna You can try downloading the mobile apps — it doesn't have the login wall so you can try Todorant even without having to give it any information at all. I explained the most important features of my methodology here —...
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    Todorant — my todo list app that uses cognitive psychology to trick brain into completing tasks

    @discipleduchrist Funny thing is — conversion rate sky rocketed since I changed the typical "straight to the business" explanation how Todorant is different to this wordy approach. But I'll give a shorter version another try as an A/B test, thank you a lot for the feedback!
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    Todorant — my todo list app that uses cognitive psychology to trick brain into completing tasks

    Hello everyone! I invite you to roast my new project — It's a smart todo list app that focuses on getting users into the habit of completing tasks — it does not focus on organizing, automating and storing tasks like all the other competitors. I read 20+ books on productivity...