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  1. C

    Your thoughts on my (beta) website?

    @bkimble001 You got a point I admit. This site is focusing on posting ideas and then other people can join to create it, its a site for networking and connecting with the right people. Of course, you can do that on reddit too. I just thought why not make a website for this kind of thing.
  2. C

    Your thoughts on my (beta) website?

    @gofthesearching Thank you! :) You mean the landing page paragraphs are wordy right? Good point, gonna think about that
  3. C

    Your thoughts on my (beta) website?

    @highseas You're right, thank you for your feedback! :)
  4. C

    Your thoughts on my (beta) website?

    @highseas Thank you for taking the time to look it up. Do you mean that I should "focus" on certain people, e.g developers/freelancers, OR do you mean that the ideas should be on one category e.g only website ideas?
  5. C

    Your thoughts on my (beta) website?

    Hi everybody! I am a web developer and I just (kind of) finished my "first" side project called: Productivera. It is a website where users can post ideas/their own expertise and connect with like-minded people. If you want to take a look: It is not finished, but the...