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  1. D

    Giving back to tech community. Please read description

    @nasha The fact that you didn’t understand is a good sign.
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    Giving back to tech community. Please read description

    @nasha I bet you are going to do a Brazilian uplift and show us lifestyle money shots in some rando’s swimming pool, after you retire. Meanwhile, Best of luck and will send few people to your form.
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    Giving back to tech community. Please read description

    @nasha How do we know for sure that you won’t sell us courses in business bikini, men’s and women’s, to allure us into believing that we can all become expert FAANG coders in 35 minutes?
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    Giving back to tech community. Please read description

    @nasha Do you promise to never become an influencer, at least not on Instagram?
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    How do I find a job in a startup?? (Off topic)

    @dfarmer2001 Send your resume and why should you get hired over others. Small tip: Early on in life you get hired in any role because of just three reasons - 1. Super smart 2. Super hard working 3. Both Everyone starts as assuming 1 or 2, and if they are good over time they tend towards 3...
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    Startup India seed fund: any tips from successful applicants?

    @rushu Not the right approach, and if you do it wrong, it will cost you your company pretty quickly.
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    Startup India seed fund: any tips from successful applicants?

    @rushu There are very few incubators, if at all, that make sense, unless you are a first time entrepreneur and you have no connects at all in the industry to learn faster. Most incubators in India are good for - Seats - Washroom - AC - Water cooler - Cloud credits Rest is upto you to...
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    Promising Pre Seed/Seed/Series A startups

    @aaronemill12 Leading VC named?