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    I created a SaaS in 6 hours

    @613jono cool
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    I created a SaaS in 6 hours

    @carose i built a free, open-source saas starter to solve that problem:
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    what features are missing from our free, open-source SaaS starter?

    Hey r/saas peeps, On January 30th, we released Open SaaS, a free, open-source SaaS starter for React & NodeJS. So far the release is going great with over ⭐️ 3,300 ⭐️ stars on GitHub 🤯 I’m wondering if you all have any burning feature requests that you’d love to see in a SaaS starter template...
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    Why I spent 3 months building an AI wrapper

    @micah111 you could also check out Open SaaS, a 100% free, open-source React/NodeJS/Prisma starter with all the features you'd expect from a SaaS boilerplate