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    Outsourcing your MVP development, anyone got some experience with that?

    @dablegend Sure. I'll DM you a couple.
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    Outsourcing your MVP development, anyone got some experience with that?

    @dablegend Bubble RFP system, their forums, or you can check their list here -> I was one of the first certified and owned a dev agency for a number of years, but I only work on my own SaaS platforms now. You can also try someone like...
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    Outsourcing your MVP development, anyone got some experience with that?

    @dablegend You can't. It's a gamble. But I will say you should find someone with more than 22 connections on LI. That to me sounds like either a fake account or someone with zero experience. For your MVP, take a look at No Code. You can stand something up yourself in a couple months (or a...
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    Books on Systemizing a Business

    @mugzy Traction goes into it. Highly recommended book.
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    Found a niche for a SaaS... never done a SaaS before

    @tanjavdw As @hetherington said, get a couple of them to fund and pilot it for you. I will warn that if they are all using software that's 30 years old to perform whatever business function it does, then the barrier to entry is in all likelihood, very high. Be absolutely certain you understand...
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    How do your employees/subcontractors track time?

    @bereanmom We’ve used both Clockify and WebWork. Clockify was less expensive, but WebWork reporting was much better. We’ve been using WebWork from about team members #30 to over 100.