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  1. H

    Stanford, SF, FAANG job—The only way to get into Y Combinator?

    @rosielovesjesus I know! This is why I said "it's a lie"
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    How I found product-market fit (and how we knew we had it)

    @cornbreadfed614 You didn't show us any proof of gaining PMF. The pictures, graphs, whatever are nothing until you tell us the numbers.
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    Stanford, SF, FAANG job—The only way to get into Y Combinator?

    @cornbreadfed614 A big LIE. I've been working in Microsoft, and was rejected, twice.
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    Increase your SaaS revenue overnight

    @pxw521 Usually, SaaS is the only product :)))))
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    Super duper simple guide for cold emailing to get B2B saas customers

    @idomin00 I hate cold emails and never response them. Keep going
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    9 days after launch and made 795$

    @jahncrish Which idea, of a boilerplate? You must be kidding me
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    Reddit trend —> $6M ARR beauty app for men

    @skruse313 If it's true, trust me, the app is not as "simple".
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    9 days after launch and made 795$

    @hiddenknowledge It's just because shipfast has this label, and they copied everything not even thinking much :))))))
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    9 days after launch and made 795$

    @dandan27 What's wrong with you guys? You just copied everything from I'm not talking about the idea, it's nothing, but about the whole implementation, texts, website structure, even pricing, even the Product Hunt lable about the "product #2", the testimonials are from fake...
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    9 days after launch and made 795$

    @scotthamilton I have a feeling they faked everything.
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    First paying customers, and $1.1K MRR

    @khan1123 The first question is why filter the users? The second thing is I'm not sure if this obstacle will appeal to paying users. The fact you had 2 users when you added this "obstacle" is not statistically significant and may be the result of other factors (for example, that you've been...
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    First paying customers, and $1.1K MRR

    @deepdiciples86 Yeah, you are right, I forgot about the corporate, they are weird monkeys, with no easy ways to do anything :))))
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    First paying customers, and $1.1K MRR

    @khan1123 To me, it sounds exactly the opposite of what should be done :\ Why make the process of signing soooo hard? Honestly, it doesn't make any sense, even for not-so-cheap products.
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    5 tips on making first sales as a Solo Founder, without leaving a 9-5 job as I did..

    @keneyhector Supporting doesn't mean teaching. You would instead tell us your story, your wins and losses, instead you behave like you are so experienced teacher what is not true. This is very annoying and not useful because you try to generalize your experience and it's tooooo small to do it...
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    5 tips on making first sales as a Solo Founder, without leaving a 9-5 job as I did..

    @keneyhector I'm sorry but builing just 2 startups doesn't give you enough knowledge and experience to teach others. I've build ~30 projects, 2 of them are success but I still don't feel such confident to make some generalization and teach people how to do it right. You have your own, very tiny...
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    Coffee Code Club - A Free Resume Builder

    @thecross3 Thank you very much for your insight! Selling the project is one of the possible ways! I actually told about it here:
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    Coffee Code Club - A Free Resume Builder

    @thecross3 Thanks! Unfortunately, most HRs don't share your optimism. I saw many times opinions like "When I asked him to send me his resume, he sent me his LinkedIn link. This guy doesn't understand that LinkedIn profile and resume are different things." Me too! That's why it's free. And I'm...
  18. H

    Coffee Code Club - A Free Resume Builder

    The product (what is it, use case, who would want it) This is a free resume builder. Users are those who'd like to create a resume online and download a PDF file. The market (size, competition, dynamics that we should be aware of) The size of the market is endless in theory. In practice - as...
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    I applied to 300 jobs, didn’t get a single call back, so I’m building my own SaaS company... Because why not?

    @chuatnhat But the choice is voluntary, isn't it? Everyone who started coding, may think how he/she is going to earn by it. They could chose Cobol too by why?
  20. H

    Something different: I'll create the best SaaS boilerplate and stream it to the public. We start tomorrow!

    @chuck64 Haha you already fail because I can't use docker for some technical reasons. Another thing is I don't like docker either (even with overcoming that technical obstacle). And finally, I still don't like Django and not going to use it. I don't have any reasons for it.