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    I built Microsoft Teams App that makes 200k/ARR. AMA!

    @dirtyglove HUGE congrats Ilia! love this for you. were all your sales from the store itself or did you also run ads and email campgains?
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    Need help with b2b sales? I got you!

    @acorn324 wildly hungry 18yo looking to build for enterprise, any shot at all you'd be willing to hop on a quick call? couldn't thank you enough.
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    How I made $1k revenue in 8 days?

    @sarah1972 love it! what are you using to build it?
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    300 Applications later! Here is what I learned.

    @mynu get ONE paying customer paying you monthly. I wouldn't even think about raising before, and having a few customers will dramatically improve your odds of landing a pre seed cheque
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    300 Applications later! Here is what I learned.

    @notly1988 Obviously it depends on how long he spent on this process, but in general if your pitch and deck is perfect you've probably spent too long working on it. Especially because unless he's selling to high enterprise by far the easiest way to raise his pre seed would be to actually spend...
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    300 Applications later! Here is what I learned.

    @mynu Hate to say it but you're wasting your time. You're "playing" business.
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    AMA [W23] - My journey from $0 to $5k MRR in 6 months, and why I decided to pivot

    @veyhenlo This might be my favorite post on this sub ever.
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    How I created a B2B SaaS side project and sold it in less than a year for 10x revenue

    @idontknow07 Super well written, thanks for this!
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    Low conversion rates - what's wrong with my funnel?

    @wretched I’d really need more context. Would you be cool DMing the link?
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    AMA: Grading our YC app from S20 (raised $24M after)

    @cornbreadfed614 Exactly - stoked for what’s coming! DMed ya.
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    AMA: Grading our YC app from S20 (raised $24M after)

    @cornbreadfed614 Saw one of your interviews a few months ago, just wanted to say what y’all are doing at CommandBar is awesome. Seems like one of those use cases for LLMs that are now actually unlocked for the first time ever and no incumbents are really prime to capitalize upon. Also not sure...