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  1. J

    How do I find a job in a startup?? (Off topic)

    @ami_dawnielle however on the flip side, due to constrained budgets and high employee turn over rate, they are always scouting the right talent, since the majority cannot provide handsome salaries or perks, they usually have a tendency to look for someone passionate enough to fuel growth without...
  2. J

    How do I find a job in a startup?? (Off topic)

    @dfarmer2001 maybe try platforms like coffeemug or find niche sectors where you may love working, you can find startups based in that specific sector and try cold emailing, generally probability of getting response through cold emails in start-up is much better...
  3. J

    Feedback for startup idea!

    @paigemichelle Its a good idea, however how would it be different from coffeemug? and does your second point mean that, if i need to connect with x person , i may raise bounty worth 3000 rs for example... someone fulfills the bounty and lets me connect with person x, and the intermediary gets...