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  1. C - I launched a niche job board with hand curated data analyst jobs. Here's how it's going after 13 months

    @pvq Hey hey, thanks! I'm manualy curating from various sources - from other aggregators to through private networks. It's not something that I'm looking to automate as it stands, but will see where it leads me in the future.
  2. C - I launched a niche job board with hand curated data analyst jobs. Here's how it's going after 13 months

    @ferfi Hey, thanks a lot for sharing. I have been following RemoteOK for a while. Think he's got around 900,000 people on the newsletter these days. He did share last week, that he's seen employer posted jobs drop around 90% over the last few months, and he's now looking for ways how to...
  3. C - I launched a niche job board with hand curated data analyst jobs. Here's how it's going after 13 months

    Hi all, on Dec 19th I launched In total, this is the 13th update, this time covering the first month of 2024. Want to make sure I document the journey, and keep myself honest, so each month I will be making a post about the statistics, progress, some thoughts and what are the...