Search results

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    Best Way to Find Clients for House Painting

    @jimmy2356 Thank you. I appreciate the detailed comment and will take this information into consideration.
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    Best Way to Find Clients for House Painting

    @that1gurl77798 Thank you that is helpful. I think I'm going to try to hire a college student for 5 hours a week. If that doesn't work I will just have to use fiverr for SEO and other website work
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    Best Way to Find Clients for House Painting

    @amcm93 Thank you, this is VERY helpful information
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    Best Way to Find Clients for House Painting

    What do you think the best way to find clients for house painting is? I currently work a 9-5 job and make close to 6 figures in finance. I don't want to do this my whole life and want to start my own business. I am a 23 y/o male near the DMV area. I want to start a house painting business...
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    Understanding Financial Metrics

    I'm having trouble with these KPIs on a potential rental property. This does not account for paying for a property manager. I'm reading mixed things online. One source said the property should be paid off in 6 years and 7 months. Another said the property should be paid off in 8 years. My...
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    Google Ads Performance

    @juelrei Thank you for your time. I'll look into FB ads
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    Google Ads Performance

    @charli "Have you done keyword research? Are you bidding on keywords with high competition? Are you also targeting long tail keywords? Have you compared your keyword research with google to Bing? Bing can be an underrated place for search ads." Not yet, I want to wait about 2 weeks and then...
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    Google Ads Performance

    Three days ago I posted an ad on Google Ads for my startup painting company. So far, we received 2.12K impressions (people scrolling past the ad), 29 clicks on the ad, and zero phone calls (I have now set up a free business phone thanks to this subreddit). Advertising has cost $7.92. I put a...
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    How To File Purchases as Business Expenses

    @sherryr0 Thank you for your help
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    How To File Purchases as Business Expenses

    @esy Thank you for your help
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    How To File Purchases as Business Expenses

    @llerrad11 Thank you for your help
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    How To File Purchases as Business Expenses

    @pastorpontibus Thank you for your help
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    How To File Purchases as Business Expenses

    How do I begin to file purchases as business expenses? What specifications do I need to meet in order for a purchase to become a business expense? E.g. buying a monitor for personal use, and used for the business. Can I claim lower car insurance or get lower taxes by using my car for business...