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  1. P

    This $25M+ business was validated in 3 hours for $5

    @truther While I don't doubt the approach, the advice here is simplifying to the point of being impractical. While I do agree a lot of people waste a lot of time on the irrelevant, which I think this post does a good job of saying "stay focused, cut out the BS", it's also not a one size fits...
  2. P

    I will build your SaaS for 0.2¢

    @krys89 Doesn’t really transfer because of the value prop. When you perform surgery even for free, you are helping heal someone who really needs help. When a dev works for free, someone is directly profiting off of their work. The income dispersion becomes unfair to the point it can become...
  3. P

    Looking for honest feedback? Share your project and I'll send you a one-pager with my thoughts

    @ilovejesus12376 Not ready yet. But Its framework specific ab testing with centralized reporting. I actually need help from laravel devs to build useful reports and solid integration. The tech is there I need to make it a product now.
  4. P

    I will build your SaaS for 0.2¢

    @shilohmark Doesn't change what the surgeon cost. I may need him for 30 minutes, I may need to for 24 hours, his hourly rate will be the same. I'm not saying there aren't small/cheap projects, I'm saying bottom dollar people MUST take shortcuts to make their cheap prices worthwhile to them.
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    I will build your SaaS for 0.2¢

    @shilohmark I've experienced what you're arguing because I used to believe what you believed and experience taught me otherwise. You're telling me that you found an amazing developer who built you quality products for $5 bucks an hour? And they maintained that price for you?
  6. P

    I will build your SaaS for 0.2¢

    @shilohmark I did, and you're just plain wrong, You will never find a surgeon with amazing results for 9.99. If you did, his demand would sky rocket and his pricing would shortly follow. Basic supply and demand. I'm not speaking theory, i've hired loads cheap devs, they produced crap, it's...
  7. P

    I will build your SaaS for 0.2¢

    @shilohmark 999 surgeon might kill you 9.99 WILL kill you, you'll learn that from experience.
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    I will build your SaaS for 0.2¢

    @shilohmark No it doesn’t. Quality things know their worth. There is expensive crap but there is no cheap gold.
  9. P

    Found a niche for a SaaS... never done a SaaS before

    @tanjavdw I know you said you can't go with an MVP, but I would never, ever develop an app for 10 months in a silo either. Even if you need the entire package, you can scope this down into phases and plan costs according to those phases. SaaS is more like a self serve gas station. If you...
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    I will build your SaaS for 0.2¢

    @tessaherrin I wouldn’t trust anyone to build my saas for peanuts just like I wouldn’t trust a surgeon who could do a surgery for 9.99.
  11. P

    My first e-book made $7,500 in 7 days

    @thaonguyen225 the fact you wrote it in 16 hours is what is peaking my curiosity I am really interested in what you said now... good marketing pitch if you want to target developers: "Hey JS developers, I wrote a book in 16 hours, come at me bro"
  12. P

    My first e-book made $7,500 in 7 days

    @thaonguyen225 Can you elaborate on 16 hours to write the book? 16 to produce the final draft, after planning an prepping topics? Or did you sit down one day and 16 hours later you wrote a tech JS book?
  13. P

    I will build your SaaS MVP for free

    @christine7788 Which video did Tom Scott do on you ?