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  1. J

    Roast me 🦃: A 'smart' read-it-later to improve knowledge retention

    UPDATE: After doing some research about landing page copy writing, I have:- put out a tweet threads with a list of tips I've learnt as a mini-landing page guide,- updated my copy by applying as many of these tips Here's the tweet if you are interested: And the updated version is at...
  2. J

    Roast me 🦃: A 'smart' read-it-later to improve knowledge retention

    @peacenothate Thank you Jim. I do need to work on it, I finished the landing page yesterday and procrastinated on the copywriting. Thank you for the advice, I am going to review it.
  3. J

    Roast me 🦃: A 'smart' read-it-later to improve knowledge retention

    @jasdaz Wow, this is more than I expected. Thank you so much for your time. The design is put together using the Figma kit Untitled UI, and I've built it with Next/Tailwind. I actually thought about building a few templates and selling them. I take this as a compliment! The images are not...
  4. J

    Roast me 🦃: A 'smart' read-it-later to improve knowledge retention

    Hi community, First of all, thank you for taking the time to read this. I'll try to keep it simple. The gist of it: A read it later app with built in tools and techniques to improve knowledge retention. This will be in the vein of Readwise, but more 'focused' on knowledge retention with a...