Search results

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    Haptic, taking Customer Support mobile

    So I chanced upon this start-up in one of the Google Business Group meets. The speaker was talking about mobile apps and how to go about marketing it. The speaker was founder at Haptik and they are providing customer support for brands via a mobile app. Has this been done? Here's a short...
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    Roast my business

    @ihlf Can you share your estimated profits in the last three years? Apart from that here are my observations - 1. This business is not going anywhere and an acceptable exit would be to hope that some of the big boys would end up acquiring you. But that's not going to happen since there's no...
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    Would you hire me as a Intern?

    @angelsent At present data science has extremely low signal to noise ratio. Everyone and their uncle wants to apply for this role. Rejection ratios are high. Companies actively hiring in this space are therefore looking for more esoteric things in the CV. Things where there is a domain...
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    Would you hire me as a Intern?

    @angelsent Would hire you as a backend developer. Even as a data wrangler. But definitely not for data science
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    Help me choose my Fintech startup name by rating it on (1-5) scale for each

    @emtor It's difficult to label something without actually knowing what it does OP. Unless you go for a wordmark which doesn't mean anything.. like zekko.