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  1. F

    3AM Rebound - Hangover Cure
  2. F

    3AM Rebound - Hangover Cure

    @cyn29 Yes, I will provide links of the science behind some of our active ingredients. Not every ingredient has been scientifically proven to cure a hangover, but have been used for years by people that swear by it. You are correct that electrolytes alone will not cure a hangover. Hoist and...
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    3AM Rebound - Hangover Cure

    @tongdtbds3 There has been research done on the active ingredients. I will provide some links.
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    3AM Rebound - Hangover Cure

    The product Is a 2oz hangover shot. We've developed a formula to combat the effects of alcohol. Our formula is packed with natural herbs like ginseng berry, reishi mushroom, turmeric, ginger, milk thistle, and more. Our formula is designed to detox your liver, hydrate your body, clear your...