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  1. W

    Low conversion rates - what's wrong with my funnel?

    @matteus Ok, I could see this being a helpful process to improve PMF, is that what you mean? Personal outreach isn't a scalable channel for low-ticket b2c of course.
  2. W

    Low conversion rates - what's wrong with my funnel?

    @mitsuha I have ways to measure activation but I don't have a great definition yet. I can look at any individual profile and eyeball test their engagement but I need to automate that. Once I have a good metric, where do I go with that? I'm thinking I could a) target ads at similar users, b)...
  3. W

    Low conversion rates - what's wrong with my funnel?

    I’m a solo dev bootstrapping a b2c SaaS in the travel space. I’ve been launched for about two months, but I’m not getting many paid conversions. I’m trying to understand where the problems are in my funnel. Here’s my numbers, and some of my ideas on what might be wrong. Google PPC CTR: 6%...