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  1. F - Helping entrepreneurs around the globe register their business in the U.S

    @my_name We also include a registered agent, and help setup a U.S. bank account with our partners :) We're looking to expand additional services to help with yearly file fees and reports. Ideally we'd like to be the long term partner to make it as easy as possible so you can focus on building...
  2. F - Helping entrepreneurs around the globe register their business in the U.S

    @t3h11 Thanks for the heads up. Definitely familiar with Atlas, we actually offer the same services and for $150 cheaper. :)
  3. F - Helping entrepreneurs around the globe register their business in the U.S

    What's Blook? Blook ( is a company dedicated to offering Domestic and International tech entrepreneurs a quick and easy way to setup their company in the U.S. Our setup process takes less than 5 minutes and provides us with everything we need to get to work establishing...