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  1. Z

    How to get started with SaaS

    @smiddy10 Thanks again. Can you help make this better?
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    How to get started with SaaS

    @smiddy10 Sorry to hear you had a bad experience and thanks for the feedback. We have a few thousand users daily with 50% repeat users. It’s frustrating when even 1 user like you has a bad experience. Pushes us to work harder and keep improving. This post is focused on the question...
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    How to get started with SaaS

    @silverwings6154 Awesome insight. Switching cost is so important. Better mouse trap rarely moves people. So value should be immense or in current environment switch cost = 0 and some big savings on top
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    How to get started with SaaS

    @sunnybasa Lots of sense. I have been playing around with sometime like this. Happy to collaborate.
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    How to get started with SaaS

    @%ED%8F%B4%EB%9D%BC%EA%B9%80 Valid point. I also think it’s a good wake up call for would be entrepreneurs - you need to be able to engage and sell in the early days. You have to get out of your comfort zone and talk to real users. My 1st step is always ask your network. People love to...
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    How to get started with SaaS

    I see a lot of people wanting to start a SaaS business and I keep repeating myself. So consolidating all my thoughts in 1 thread. Background: 4x founder. 1st one was best value- company failed and I came out so much wiser. Current is $1000 and 4-6 weeks to save you a lot of...
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    Struggling with pricing: Please help

    @andywilliams What is your primary objective for say 1st 3 months. Get to revenue and profitability Get as many users as possible collect user feedback, improve product get product-market fit Pick anyone - all good goals. For example at we picked 3. For #1: Pricing is a art...