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  1. B

    Everything you thought was important to your customers is NOT

    @bobbiessusu Thank you for the tip! Putting it on my reading list
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    Everything you thought was important to your customers is NOT

    In 1973 two Princeton professors J. Darley and Batson published a research called “From Jerusalem to Jericho” where they summarised the results of their experiments conducted with 59 priests. Why would you care almost 50 years later? Because they proved that everything you thought was crucial...
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    How I made $1K in 24h by launching an info-product. The secret: I talked to people before, during, and after the launch

    @drjon I’m not sure the eagerness to engage depends on the size of niche. Whatever our roles are, people are social creatures. They communicate. They love talking about their problems. They love talking about their wins. I would focus my efforts on finding a “place” (virtual or real) where they...
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    How I made $1K in 24h by launching an info-product. The secret: I talked to people before, during, and after the launch

    In December 2021, I launched a Marketing Playbook for entrepreneurs and made about $1000 in sales in 24 hours. I want to share this story because people I talk to are very skeptical about talking to people before launching anything. But I did great only because I tried my bests to interact with...