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  1. J

    Week ago - no issues at all; today - completely shattered

    @kokie I did not say "do not get a lawyer". Quite the contrary. Take charge of defending yourself and learn something, before you let a total stranger defend you. That is what i said. If you do that, you will stand taller, and sleep easier next time and the time after that, regardless of...
  2. J

    Week ago - no issues at all; today - completely shattered

    @kokie If i can represent myself in divorce court, you can represent yourself in a civil matter for sure. I was not trying to simplify your life. I was trying to convince you that it can be much more challenging and likely will be. Go read about law if litigation scares you. Spend a week...
  3. J

    Week ago - no issues at all; today - completely shattered

    @kokie And by the way. Learn to represent yourself. Go to court and take a chance. The worst that can happen is you learn something. Learn to control your extreme reactions. There are billions of people on this globe that will give up everything for a slice of what you have. A bit of...
  4. J

    Week ago - no issues at all; today - completely shattered

    @kokie You think this is bad? This is a sliver of what life will throw at you. Buck up man. This is as good as the bad will be throughout life. How you deal with this minor issue today, will derermine how you make out in life later