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    Pivoted, got our first paying customer... now what??

    @tongdtbds4 I am scheduling a meeting with them to ask this very thing! Then mentioned to me another business they knew that could potentially have the same issue! Will keep you updated on how that goes. Thanks for the advice!
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    Pivoted, got our first paying customer... now what??

    @mudin Wow this helped a lot. The idea of a case study is really interesting to me. I hadn't thought about that yet. But that seems like a really cool way to build other customers trust. Also very unique because its like a highly personal/in-depth product review. The last point (3) you made...
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    How we ranked # 2 rank on Google in just 2 month

    @zrcalo Will be updating later today! Thanks for the advice!
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    Pivoted, got our first paying customer... now what??

    @arustadb Yo just started reading it, that inspires me a bunch! ready to lock in and get this off the ground
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    Pivoted, got our first paying customer... now what??

    @arustadb "But right now, you fortune lives in the manual work you do." - Man-o-man this one hits home. I find it that the more I just put in the hard work and long hours, the more I see it pay off. Also after reading all these replies I am seeing a constant theme, I got to first figure out...
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    How we ranked # 2 rank on Google in just 2 month

    @sunshine1973 Thank you! What AI integration??
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    Pivoted, got our first paying customer... now what??

    @aussiebanana No ideas tbh :( I’d have to imagine for our niche that out customer lifetime value would be pretty high because it’s like a haircut, once you find a good one you don’t really want to change
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    How we ranked # 2 rank on Google in just 2 month

    @haydenbehm Definitly! Great point! But if you code that won’t work!
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    Pivoted, got our first paying customer... now what??

    @aussiebanana Just enough to quit my job and hire out another dev + sales, so for our burn I’d say $250,000 usd
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    How we ranked # 2 rank on Google in just 2 month

    @marych Yes! You can do: /layout.tsx - has one exported metadata object or each /page.tsx - has one exported metadata object but if you have a blog and it's programmatically being created, you can generate the metadata object for each page like this (this code is originally from that...
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    Pivoted, got our first paying customer... now what??

    @aussiebanana Like how much we would need?
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    Pivoted, got our first paying customer... now what??

    @calathea We applied to YC like a year ago, got interview and got rejected after that. Applied again this year, no word yet. Investor funding would def help out rn
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    How we ranked # 2 rank on Google in just 2 month

    @martijnnl Yes last part of post talks about this
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    Pivoted, got our first paying customer... now what??

    @aussiebanana One thing you mentioned that I haven't done or heard anyone mention yet is the pitch decks. Do you know any good resources to help with creating good decks?
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    How we ranked # 2 rank on Google in just 2 month

    @drumz Also Next.js specific because our site is using Next.js and I never see posts on how to optimize SEO using code, most of the time it is like, keyword and metadata this, but like where in the code do I put it, so I just wanted to show what I learned!
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    Pivoted, got our first paying customer... now what??

    @jordanh51 Damn thank you for taking the time to come up with such a thorough response! Scalable - just me atm, but getting tough to manage everything rn while building new features Pricing - kinda just guessed what people would pay for something like this tbh Long term commitment - just...
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    How we ranked # 2 rank on Google in just 2 month

    @drumz This is a really great post! Thank you for the insight. Also you are right, I just looked up this post, and it ranked as number 1 on google! Super cool! I'm not the most skilled SEO expert, just starting out so any info really helps. Som infor: our keyword was a short two word common...
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    How we ranked # 2 rank on Google in just 2 month

    @noname5137 Definitly! Just the code and such is specific to next.js that’s why I mentioned it
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    Pivoted, got our first paying customer... now what??

    @kreative333 have really started to focus on the customer we have onboard atm! seeing some new things they want developed
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    Pivoted, got our first paying customer... now what??

    @kylels Also thanks for the super detailed list of services and costs, I am looking at them rn