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  1. K

    Are you building a marketplace? An Uber/Airbnb for X?

    Thank you so much to all the people who contributed to this rich and awesome thread! There are some very interesting stories and perspectives on the chicken & egg problem and it's very educating and motivating for those who think about launching, as well as for those who have already begun...
  2. K

    Are you building a marketplace? An Uber/Airbnb for X?

    @kjcm Congrats for the launch and good luck!!! It's looks great, and I really like the concept too! Simple and logical. Few questions: (1) What is your business model? It it commission based? Or is it payment per listing? (2) How did you find sellers? Did you approach them before the launch...
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    Are you building a marketplace? An Uber/Airbnb for X?

    @arijumak Good luck with the competitions! What business are you in? Can you explain the general purpose of your marketplace?
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    Are you building a marketplace? An Uber/Airbnb for X?

    @angerry Thanks for the useful tips! Which are some of the mobile apps are you referring to on 5 ?
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    Are you building a marketplace? An Uber/Airbnb for X?

    @absolucid13 Is that like.. LinkedIn meets SAP..?
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    Are you building a marketplace? An Uber/Airbnb for X?

    @vemvem Hey! Thank you for sharing this. ifwhenthen seems very interesting and it definitely touches a nerve. Have you heard of Jolt?
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    Are you building a marketplace? An Uber/Airbnb for X?

    @brandi3167 Very interesting. What is the ratio of those who signed up but didn't create listing to those who did? And do you know why this happens? Did you contact them and ask? Or you just assume they were interested but don't have the time/energy/motivation to continue?
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    Are you building a marketplace? An Uber/Airbnb for X?

    @brandi3167 Hey, I really like peoplelikeus! And I understood the concept immediately, however I did visit the website after I read your entire comment. Do you have a business plan/ do you plan on monetizing in the future?
  9. K

    Are you building a marketplace? An Uber/Airbnb for X?

    @clomar Did you mean "how i built this" podcast? Thanks!
  10. K

    Are you building a marketplace? An Uber/Airbnb for X?

    @hospitaller96 Haha yes exactly what I was just thinking ;)
  11. K

    Are you building a marketplace? An Uber/Airbnb for X?

    @treythan123 Hey, thank you so much for this. The UX needs some changes no doubt. Maybe I will also use a photo that shows a trainer with laptop next to them.
  12. K

    Are you building a marketplace? An Uber/Airbnb for X?

    @treythan123 Hi, thank you for the kind words. I am also using YouTube for yoga, and the frustration of not being able to ask questions and receive feedback was one of the reasons I started this. I also go to a studio but generally I prefer to workout on my schedule and not the studio's.. ;)...
  13. K

    Are you building a marketplace? An Uber/Airbnb for X?

    @treythan123 Hello again @Jimmyuk! Sorry for the delayed response. Can you please elaborate a bit about how you created the demand? I think I can use a similar method but not sure exactly how to do it. My marketplace (FitMyTime) is connecting fitness and yoga trainers with students from...
  14. K

    Are you building a marketplace? An Uber/Airbnb for X?

    @treythan123 Wow, thank you so much for sharing all this! You brought up some interesting angles, I need to think about it some more before writing a longer reply, but first I just wanted to thank you for taking the time and sharing your experience and lessons with us.
  15. K

    Are you building a marketplace? An Uber/Airbnb for X?

    Customer acquisition is a core challenge for any business, but for marketplaces this is doubly true, because of the chicken-and-egg problem. In order for the marketplace's wheel to start rolling, you must make both sides of the marketplace happy - suppliers won't come if there's no customers and...