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  1. T

    Y Combinator is not for the little guy anymore. (Or never been?)

    @zedrick “Winners focus on winning, losers focus on winners” - the phrase just stuck with me from the moment I first read it. Folks, YC is a bunch of absolutely lovely people both in the firm and in the community, but it is still a business! It’s an investment firm not a venture philanthropy...
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    Y Combinator is not for the little guy anymore. (Or never been?)

    @bigoink But also the feedback. The only feedback which matters is the feedback from customers. Why would you care about feedback from someone who looked for 3-5 min at a messy application of another great idea #5xxx? They may not have the problem you are solving, they haven’t seen (most...
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    Y Combinator is not for the little guy anymore. (Or never been?)

    @bigoink Undoubtedly. But there may be more rejections like this. To the level when you start being thankful for a quick no. Because what really matters is objective progress and velocity. Because every day you don't grow, you shrink. And 10 quick NO's will save you months of runway versus 2...
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    Y Combinator is not for the little guy anymore. (Or never been?)

    @zedrick You are neither right nor wrong, but you lack perspective. Rejection may be a the good thing. You will either find yourself in something you actually want to do or build a great company.
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    Co founder fraud

    @umbrabates Part ways.
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    Solofounding & Solofunding is tough, but worth it (my reflections, 4 years into it)

    @manga006 You are confusing ROI and profitability.
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    Solofounding & Solofunding is tough, but worth it (my reflections, 4 years into it)

    @manga006 Startup implies high growth and high uncertainty almost by definition. There's nothing wrong with 25% for a scaleup or late stage (assuming ebidta margin is double digits too) as the uncertainty comes down. There's also nothing wrong in starting a small business growing at 25%, as...
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    Solofounding & Solofunding is tough, but worth it (my reflections, 4 years into it)

    @manga006 congrats, buddy! worthy entrepreneurial pursuit. 25% ROI is not a startup, it's a tech-enabled small business. It is indeed fine for a small business to take time and be sustainable. The points at which you may find yourself challenged are: emergence of well-funded competitor or...