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  1. T

    Are you building a marketplace? An Uber/Airbnb for X?

    @manonjourney Initially any updates to their public facing profile was updated manually by me. It helped me understand what people needed because it forced conversation with the initial members, who would say things like “it would be good if we could do this, or see this”. One thing I’ve found...
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    Are you building a marketplace? An Uber/Airbnb for X?

    @kenhui I'd suggest using something like the free tier of Hot Jar to get some user feedback. Create some exit polls to ask why they didn't purchase a class etc, use session recordings to see what people do, set up some funnels to see how far people get in the purchase before dropping out. I'd...
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    Are you building a marketplace? An Uber/Airbnb for X?

    @kenhui Hi, People were doing what my platform does via websites they weren’t really built for it - such as gumtree and Craigslist. Offering a platform that was tailored to their needs is what drove the initial growth - the demand was always there. Your idea is quite cool, I like it. My...
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    Are you building a marketplace? An Uber/Airbnb for X?

    @kenhui My pleasure. Any questions, do let me know!
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    Are you building a marketplace? An Uber/Airbnb for X?

    @alpacachex My pleasure! :)
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    Are you building a marketplace? An Uber/Airbnb for X?

    @hospitaller96 Thanks :)
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    Are you building a marketplace? An Uber/Airbnb for X?

    @godsdelight Its more of a classified / one off style work. You’re idea is good however, and something I’m already investigating adding via Stripe. Stripe allows you to take and send payments + take a cut between 2 or more people.
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    Are you building a marketplace? An Uber/Airbnb for X?

    @7seals I developed the entire platform myself, it’s not built off of any ready made product. Over the past year I spent a lot of time working on the system to make it a lot my flexible. So it can be readily deployed into any market where there’s a need to facilitate service provider to...
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    Are you building a marketplace? An Uber/Airbnb for X?

    @sam0097 Membership - the platform has a free and a paid plan. Paid plan means that members can use messaging more as well as a bunch of other benefits. The website has been monetised from day one. I’ve trialled advertising so many times, but the issue is that people on my platform aren’t...
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    Are you building a marketplace? An Uber/Airbnb for X?

    @kenhui Sure, I run a couple. My platforms involve marrying sets of people together who are looking for a certain type of work. It’s quite niche so for my privacy I won’t detail what that niche is, mainly as I’m in bed and can’t be arsed to make a throwaway. But as a comparison, it’d be like a...