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  1. B

    I own a $1M/YR House Painting Business and Someone works for my company that I’ve never met before

    @heyheyheynoname Congrats! I just started my handyman startup in Jan. We are looking at getting some painters on staff would you be willing to share your interview questions?
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    Update for SBA Advance 4/6 applied 3/30

    @joseph700 That comment is an obvious troll
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    The sweatystartup is doomed

    @joeysoley Depends on what the startup is. Something easy that takes no real skills (driving an uber) and then the market gets flooded with people willing to make an extra buck. Try to create an "uber" app for plumbing and it will not move pricing because the supply of workers will not increase.
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    The reason's people don't get wealthy

    @mariusk Your #3 then #2 then his last one.
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    Need Advice on Buying a Bike Shop

    @megz1985 How much will it cost to hire a replacement for the owner. Subtract that from profits and recalculate value of the business.