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    The Crazy Story of

    @lucy I felt the same. Never touched the product. But from their public numbers clearly some people felt differently
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    The Crazy Story of

    @joyfulspirit68 Super interesting
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    The Crazy Story of

    @joyfulspirit68 Ha totally unrealistic for 99.999% of SaaS. But I am still amazed it worked.
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    The Crazy Story of

    @matheushorta Yup. We all did.
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    The Crazy Story of is one of the craziest stories in the software world. Founded in 2012, they raise $384m through 8 rounds of fundraising. Flash forward to 2019…. They are spending $100m/year on ads. 116% of their revenue at the peak. From 2019-2021 it seemed like every time I touched my Facebook...
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    What brands mess up with growth experimentation

    Which of these would you prefer from a growth test…. Experiment 1: Month 1: +421 leads Month 2: +8 leads Month 3: +12 leads Experiment 2: Month 1: +8 leads Month 2: +28 leads Month 3: +87 leads To me experiment one shows the capacity to launch, which is important, but then I don’t see...
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    Reasons Conventional SaaS Growth Channels Don't Work (and what makes them land)

    @amirbekhit Attending industry relevant events can be helpful for beta testers. That and community and network plays are typically what I see folks do
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    Reasons Conventional SaaS Growth Channels Don't Work (and what makes them land)

    Here are the reasons I have found different conventional B2B SaaS marketing channels typically fail… Podcast guesting - When it doesn’t work it's typically because: A) the podcasts are focused more on the founder or story and less on valuable insights or real data/experience B) They do 3-4...
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    How to optimize your pricing page (with examples of SaaS brands doing each part well)

    Fixing your SaaS pricing is one of the fastest levers to get a revenue lift this quarter. There is a pricing fundamentals side and a pricing tactics side. Here are four checks on the pricing tactics side I recommend to get started. 1) Is the upgrade path reason clear? The best pricing pages...