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  1. C

    Passed out nearly 500 business cards and 500 flyers and could find a single client other than a friend

    @moonshimmer Gotcha. Well overall it sounds like it was worth it due to low cost/effort on your part, even if the actual leads and closes were slim. What kinds of things did you post in the groups? Like more educational content with a quick plug to your services at the end of the post, or just...
  2. C

    What are some side hustles or businesses to start

    @zbnigniew I actually started with 25 yard signs which got me a small handful of jobs and the rest has been snowballing. Something simple with huge text HANDYMAN SERVICES and phone number. I got mine from UZmarketing after seeing them mentioned in this sub several times as one of the cheapest...
  3. C

    Passed out nearly 500 business cards and 500 flyers and could find a single client other than a friend

    @forwhatitsworth I really appreciate all of this great information! I'm having a slight issue with the app, when I go to my business page I'm not seeing any of these options. Like at the bottom I just have "Ads" where "Discover" should be. On my own individual/personal ND I do have the...
  4. C

    Passed out nearly 500 business cards and 500 flyers and could find a single client other than a friend

    @forwhatitsworth Congrats on that success! You've made some wise marketing decisions to get there. I didn't realize does ND have a bunch of smaller community groups like FB? Or were all those groups you listed on FB? All I noticed on ND was my general area's feed but I could easily be missing...
  5. C

    Passed out nearly 500 business cards and 500 flyers and could find a single client other than a friend

    @forwhatitsworth And do you have to do paid ads to have success with it? Are the ads there cheaper than FB/Google?
  6. C

    How to handle the stigma of leaving a white collar job for a sweaty startup?

    @613jono How long ago did you make the jump, and how's it going for you now?
  7. C

    Need to try something else..

    @parabarb Though it looks like their prices went up recently unfortunately. Used to be about $3 and change per sign, now it's over $4/sign (I ordered 100 - it might be a bit less if you order more in bulk)
  8. C

    Passed out nearly 500 business cards and 500 flyers and could find a single client other than a friend

    @louizteinluk Any tips on how to do well on there? Do you think it's more about the area, or what you post?
  9. C

    Need to try something else..

    @parabarb Agree with what everyone else is saying. Also, give yard signs a try, they have way better conversion for me than any of the other things you mentioned. Place them at busy highway exits, intersections (if it's an empty lot or something - I avoid private business property), and of...
  10. C

    This sub truly changed my life

    @saveme7777 Awesome man. Love hearing this.
  11. C

    Passed out nearly 500 business cards and 500 flyers and could find a single client other than a friend

    @louizteinluk Yep! I mentioned that in there already. Although it's funny, I haven't had any success with Nextdoor. Either I'm not in the right neighborhood or I just don't know what to post. I don't want to just constantly spam my services, and the other businesses/individuals I see doing so...
  12. C

    Passed out nearly 500 business cards and 500 flyers and could find a single client other than a friend

    @boloyo I've heard flyers aren't very effective overall for the amount you need to distribute. I've seen it said a lot by sweaty business owners you get maybe 1 lead per every 100-200 flyers on average. So with 500, you might have just gotten unlucky. Is it already snowy in your area right now...
  13. C

    Do signs really bring in leads that close?

    @riley88 What resources am I wasting? I'm advertising my business by placing small signs at highway exits or in customers' yards with their permission. My business also literally is a service that benefits the community. The signs get recycled if disposed of properly, or many of them I just pick...
  14. C

    Do signs really bring in leads that close?

    @robloxgod1337 Highway exits in the grass where they're stuck at the light, occasionally empty lots or department stores that I can see rarely get their grass mowed, and in completed customers' yards with their quick permission.
  15. C

    Do signs really bring in leads that close?

    @craigp On the contrary, signs absolutely got my business off the ground. First 25 signs did several thousand in revenue. They are still very effective for me.
  16. C

    Feeling Stuck

    @fulltimer99 Thank you for inspiring my add ons; your insight was very insightful and responses like yours have been of real value in my own business. Take care!
  17. C

    Feeling Stuck

    @fulltimer99 Excellent advice - I agree to prioritize digital marketing & paid ads. Get all of that set up, optimized, and work on improving it constantly. Then once it pays for itself many times over, pay someone qualified to manage all of it for you. I'd also say don't totally neglect good...
  18. C

    Am I overbidding or underbidding for my first cleaning account??

    @countryangel707 I was thinking the same. Pump those numbers up a bit, don't set a precedent for lowballing yourself. With good marketing in place there will always be customers that will pay a reasonable rate you can actually pay your bills with.
  19. C

    Do signs really bring in leads that close?

    @billybillyblue I was an LPN for a year, changed over to occupational therapy. Been doing that in a big acute hospital for 5 years and just ready for a change. Love working outside, and the potential to make a much better living. Something I can maybe leave behind even. Medical field has gotten...