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  1. M

    Y Combinator is not for the little guy anymore. (Or never been?)

    @zedrick Well YC is a guise of prestige to do the unprestigious things of being an early-stage founder. When all of your peers are analysts at a major big bank or FAANG engineers, it's not so sexy to be basically unemployed to pursue something that will most likely utterly fail. I guess the...
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    This is how YC works. "We accept idea stage" is a partial myth that gives regular people hope

    @rebelde There was a video by Michael and Dalton, and I recall Michael saying “but you got into Stanford!” to Dalton, and that Michael wasn’t particularly impressed by his own school. Keep in mind, Michael went to Yale. He did concede that it was through Yale that he met the Twitch founders and...
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    Y Combinator removes Indian startup from batch over 'irregularities'

    @lucyflora Looks like they lied about their background and their numbers. A quick look at the Founder's profile, he lists his education as having an undergraduate degree from Stanford and from an Indian IT. Stanford will not allow you to get a bachelor's from them if you already have one from...
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    Garry's response to the rubric

    @doodlum1 No, it was an open invitation for recent Stanford grads who were interested in startups. He posted it on Twitter a while ago.
  5. M

    Garry's response to the rubric

    @trying_to_make_it Look at what they do as much as what they say. I mean, Garry recently hosted a get-together at his house where only Stanford grads could come. The elitism is real, but the unfortunate truth is that it works and has made them billions. There’s no debate to it.