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  1. W

    I make $19/h selling free horse manure, scaling up, feedback please

    @ciru Yes, they pick up from my house. It's seasonal for me but if you live somewhere with a mild winter you could do it year round.
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    I make $19/h selling free horse manure, scaling up, feedback please

    @ciru Sorry, I haven't released any material yet. I don't do any of the composting. Yes, my business is selling composted fertilizer but I don't deliver. I'm considering releasing some shorter materials in the mean time though. If you're on my email list you'll be the first to know. Thanks for...
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    I make $19/h selling free horse manure, scaling up, feedback please

    @jagges I know! I wish I could go back in time.
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    I make $19/h selling free horse manure, scaling up, feedback please

    @cinnamonshiva Fair point. Actually I haven't sold to a single friend or family member! All my customers have been strangers. Good point about insurance. I'm already self employed/on contract so my insurance company knows I use my car for work. As I grow I will keep them updated. Maintenance I...
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    I make $19/h selling free horse manure, scaling up, feedback please

    @aleksandr1991 Yes, if it's fresh it will definitely burn but I have tested mine and it's fine.
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    I make $19/h selling free horse manure, scaling up, feedback please

    @aleksandr1991 I sell it for $5 per five gallon bucket worth.
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    I make $19/h selling free horse manure, scaling up, feedback please

    @aleksandr1991 That's correct except I don't deliver. Maybe I should have mentioned that. All my customers come pick up from me. I can fit a surprising amount in my car. About 8 large tote bins at a time. I do some processing to take out the lumps but that's it. I store it at my house in bins...
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    I make $19/h selling free horse manure, scaling up, feedback please

    @adam2 Farms and ranches in my area. There are tons of horses in every city. You can call up places and ask about their manure or you can look online to see who's giving it away.
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    I make $19/h selling free horse manure, scaling up, feedback please

    @carleo Large Rubbermaid bins, 68L (18 gallons). I have cheaper brands too but their "handles" are terrible and they crack easily. I'm sticking with Rubbermaid for all heavy duty applications.
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    I make $19/h selling free horse manure, scaling up, feedback please

    @demorah39 Actually it smells fine once the manure it out because it's all in containers. It's just the last half of the trip that smells but I get used to it. It'll be nicer when I have a truck.
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    I make $19/h selling free horse manure, scaling up, feedback please

    @amyln Thanks for the interest. You can certainly PM me but at this point I don't know how I'm going to proceed. I think I will be delaying the release of the book but I may release something to build my audience. Nothing is decided yet.
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    I make $19/h selling free horse manure, scaling up, feedback please

    @ttyler Yes, I think I could find other products or services that follow a similar model. I'll be keeping my eyes open for opportunities.
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    I make $19/h selling free horse manure, scaling up, feedback please

    @amyers3 Exactly. That will be the biggest challenge. Fortunately my sister will be joining me to help and I can work out a deal with her if she wants to start her own "branch" or remain an employee and salesperson. Do you think I'm revealing too much information here and on my website? As I...
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    I make $19/h selling free horse manure, scaling up, feedback please

    @matt999 Thank you. I will think about it.
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    I make $19/h selling free horse manure, scaling up, feedback please

    @luckyleaf Great feedback. Thank you! I like your ideas for expansion. Some of them I've been thinking about. One challenge is keeping employees from competing with me. It's not impossible but it might be difficult. Fortunately my sister is going to be my first employee so I can count on her...
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    I make $19/h selling free horse manure, scaling up, feedback please

    @sarahturner Great point. I need to do some interviews and gather more information about my potential audience. Thank you.
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    I make $19/h selling free horse manure, scaling up, feedback please

    @sarahturner I agree that I would sell more books with bigger numbers to brag about. I thought the numbers would still appeal to students, especially in high school where that kind of money is a big deal compared to most jobs they can get. My first two jobs payed $7.50 and $12 an hour.But maybe...
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    I make $19/h selling free horse manure, scaling up, feedback please

    @louies777 Well yeah. Obviously they are. You think that's some sort of secret? If that's all you needed to know in order to start your own manure business then I look forward to hearing about your success shortly.
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    I make $19/h selling free horse manure, scaling up, feedback please

    @maria214 Thank you for your concern. I was on the phone for an hour. Questions answered. I'm seriously reconsidering the book based on the feedback I'm getting.
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    I make $19/h selling free horse manure, scaling up, feedback please

    @acemary I didn't want to bog down the post in details that some people don't care about but since you asked I'm happy to touch on those important details. The manure is not fully composted. I can only pick from the best sources available to me. As I grow I hope I can have more control or...