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    How do you keep your personal financials afloat when you’re at $0 revenue?

    @giboradonai Property rental business Proptech business
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    How do you keep your personal financials afloat when you’re at $0 revenue?

    @cbrooks624 Plan for things to take a lot longer than you think and more money than you think. If that means working a job to keep yourself afloat, that’s what you have to do. I built my first business working evenings and weekends and only quit when I could replace my income. My second...
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    “Build first launch later” or “Launch first build later”?

    @jesuschain Pretty much. My first business I built the product then tried to sell it. I found distribution is a much bigger challenge than building the tech. My second business, I’ve sold the product before I’ve built it. It’s validated the business. I know I’m building something people want...
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    “Build first launch later” or “Launch first build later”?

    @ericro Sell first, then build and launch. It’s surprising how much work you can do to sell a product before you build it