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    AMA w/ Paul and Chris from CopyAI: How we grew from $0 to $1.2M ARR in 7 months and raised $2.9M, all while building in public

    @jenlm We are currently using Firebase! For GPT-3, you need a server side app that sends the request! For Webflow, we're using Firebase's Cloud Function calls which helps wrap the entire request!
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    AMA w/ Paul and Chris from CopyAI: How we grew from $0 to $1.2M ARR in 7 months and raised $2.9M, all while building in public

    @sspx_teen That's a great idea! We are trying to figure out how to really make the messaging work. Iterating and ideating with an AI is a very new concept which people just aren't use to! We're really excited to see the long term effects of interacting with AI on human creativity (we think it...
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    AMA w/ Paul and Chris from CopyAI: How we grew from $0 to $1.2M ARR in 7 months and raised $2.9M, all while building in public

    @candidly Thanks Amam! We have a few ideas in mind that we need to test! It comes down to making the results better and more useful for the end user! Right now, we can create a lot, but we don't make it super clear how it is useful for them!
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    AMA w/ Paul and Chris from CopyAI: How we grew from $0 to $1.2M ARR in 7 months and raised $2.9M, all while building in public

    @thelordismighty Got it! If you PM me your email, I'd be happy to restart your free trial! If you used it very early on, that could have been an issue that we fixed over the last few months! Appreciate your feedback!
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    AMA w/ Paul and Chris from CopyAI: How we grew from $0 to $1.2M ARR in 7 months and raised $2.9M, all while building in public

    @thelordismighty Hey! Chris here! The way the AI works is that it's constantly trying to predict the words that are in a given context. These models are so massive it is highly unlikely that the copy will be copies word for word! However, for the shorter content (headlines, mottos, etc) there...
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    AMA w/ Paul and Chris from CopyAI: How we grew from $0 to $1.2M ARR in 7 months and raised $2.9M, all while building in public

    @cadams2 Choosing to raise capital vs bootstrapping is a very nuanced decision. Bootstrapping is great if the market size is smaller/you're able to build everything you need with the capital/money you're making. Venture is designed for one thing and one thing only: high growth for massive...
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    AMA w/ Paul and Chris from CopyAI: How we grew from $0 to $1.2M ARR in 7 months and raised $2.9M, all while building in public

    @clmorgan Thanks for having us Daniel! We really subscribe to David Sack's approach: You have to focus on things that can improve the product/distribution/etc. by 10x! This means everything we work on has to move the needle significantly. We focused very much on user value and unless we can...
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    AMA w/ Paul and Chris from CopyAI: How we grew from $0 to $1.2M ARR in 7 months and raised $2.9M, all while building in public

    @armour1984 Yes! This advice will be less about Twitter in particular though If I were to start a following from scratch, I would focus on a few things first: Who am I and what do I like? --> Find a niche to focus on Where would other people who are interested be? --> Study the platform you're...
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    AMA w/ Paul and Chris from CopyAI: How we grew from $0 to $1.2M ARR in 7 months and raised $2.9M, all while building in public

    @misdemeanourthomas Social media (specifically Twitter) represents almost all of our growth! From our initial launch tweet () to our monthly updates, almost all of our users hear about us from Twitter or from a friend who heard about us from Twitter! Beyond just top of funnel, Twitter has also...
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    AMA w/ Paul and Chris from CopyAI: How we grew from $0 to $1.2M ARR in 7 months and raised $2.9M, all while building in public

    @skilletboy Completely agree! To be a bit more nuanced, there are businesses where building in public doesn't make as much sense! My tips: Make sure to be building in public where your customer are! Twitter worked for us because a lot of startup founders and marketers are on Twitter Be...
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    AMA w/ Paul and Chris from CopyAI: How we grew from $0 to $1.2M ARR in 7 months and raised $2.9M, all while building in public

    @skilletboy It's sometimes hard to see this as a founder because we care so deeply about the problem! We learned a lot from Paul Graham's essays here:
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    AMA w/ Paul and Chris from CopyAI: How we grew from $0 to $1.2M ARR in 7 months and raised $2.9M, all while building in public

    @skilletboy We believe the benefits outweighs the risks/downsides tremendously! The hardest part of starting a startup/company is getting people to care. Early on, the product won't be extremely special because the company is young. The best way to make people care is by being authentic about...
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    AMA w/ Paul and Chris from CopyAI: How we grew from $0 to $1.2M ARR in 7 months and raised $2.9M, all while building in public

    @louid Great question! Both Paul and I launched a few projects on Twitter in the past! When we launched our first project, it got us a few users. The second launch got us a few hundred. Then the CopyAI launch went much larger! Paul had built up a small 2k follower base when we launched
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    AMA w/ Paul and Chris from CopyAI: How we grew from $0 to $1.2M ARR in 7 months and raised $2.9M, all while building in public

    Paul Yacoubian (CopyAIPaul) and Chris Lu (Chris_CopyAI) are the cofounders of CopyAI! We have been fascinated by entrepreneurship and turning ideas into reality. They met at the ESO Fund, a niche venture fund that helps employees exercise their stock options. We noticed that even today the...