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  1. R

    Start small stay small: the book I wish I've l known about before starting my project

    @pipedream15 Yep, Rob Walling has some fantastic advice for building SaaS. I read this one and The SaaS Playbook. Validation and marketing are key! It’s foolish to build without some kind of validation. I’m trying the stair step method with my first SaaS. I’m building a Slack app and hoping to...
  2. R

    I built a SaaS in 3 days! An API-First Link Shortener

    @jessica50 Nice work! Good luck with this.
  3. R

    How many of these “how I made x thousand MRR in y months” are just ads?

    @johnsubira How did you get better at SEO? Any good resources you recommend?
  4. R

    I've built a simple 𝕏 Analytics tool that helps you stay consistent and grow your audience

    @nathan3g This looks really cool! Will check it out. Great work 🙌🏼