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  1. P

    need advice on running a restaurant

    @silentnyte Tell me you have no idea how a restaurant operates without telling me. It's never about monthly profit 🤣. It's about having cash reserves for slow times and innovating in times of trouble to be nimble as a restaurateur. You think restaurants are profitable every month year after...
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    need advice on running a restaurant

    @silentnyte The average restaurant takes about 3 years to become conventionally profitable. Source: I've owned and managed several
  3. P

    My family is considering a sale of our manufacturing business. How realistic is a successful sale?

    @teee Be sure that your CPA is on the same page as you with regard to goals long and short term- if you have the ability to show your aunt that the business will not support the staff long term no matter what, it might soften her position a bit. She could also stop taking any type of salary if...
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    Do I have a $1 Million business plan?

    @ivymeow That's the hook right there: "show your friends/relatives/neighbors you have what it takes with your new beach body"
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    need advice on running a restaurant

    @silentnyte He's absolutely correct about literally everything he said. Join us over at r/restaurantowners and learn my guy
  6. P

    How long before you were profitable ?

    @kayleeavani Every industry is different. No way to answer with the info provided. 🤷
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    How can I stop my failing small biz from making me depressed all the time?

    @lizabetta Why don't you offer some helpful advice?
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    How can I stop my failing small biz from making me depressed all the time?

    @keldastar Your instinct is correct regarding tiktok and other social media. Instead of starting a shop, begin with posts about what you offer. Check out other pages with similar content and pay close attention to the top 5 most common hashtags they use, and use them yourself. Focus on...
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    How can I stop my failing small biz from making me depressed all the time?

    @keldastar Do you market your products?
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    How can I stop my failing small biz from making me depressed all the time?

    @keldastar 9 months is nothing. Some businesses take years to become profitable. Can't really offer much other advice because you don't say anything about your business. Stop looking at your sales and how it applies to the holiday season. You want sales overall unless you sell Christmas trees...