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    Why is raising capital divided in Seed, Series A,B,C etc

    @needmorejesus Nothing says you need a Seed/Series A/B/C. You just raise funds as needed. The less you need, the better. You can technically IPO without any funding round.
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    Congrats to Jaspar, a r/ycombinator contributor and the founder of Artisan who just raised 7.3M

    @goaztecs Because YC is bottom tier garbage. Their cohorts are a joke recently.
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    YC v/s Antler Residency

    @%C3%90oan9919 Is it a SaaS? Why not just focus on your tech job salary while feeding the startup with your salary?
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    San Francisco?

    @revena “ai consultancy (for me that’s the same thing as calling a barbershop a startup)” can I marry you? 😂 You’re completely right. YC has become a joke and only accelerated its path to irrelevance with this last two batches.
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    San Francisco?

    @revena Oh my god, I just looked up Infinity AI and their cofounders….holy shit. Barely have any work experience which is okay if you’re right out of college but these people are not. They are likely in their early to mid 30s. Yeah that consultancy is irrelevant and adds to the shady nature.
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    San Francisco?

    @revena That’s the part of YC that I don’t understand - why would you give them so much equity for just $125k salary that a regular tech job already gives you double? You can work on your YC idea nights and weekends until you get traction and are ready for fundraising.
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    I studied 5,000+ Series A and Series B stage companies in the USA to identify the next unicorns

    @lovelycoffeexx Interesting list. Have you looked at even earlier stage? Like DagsHub and Quandri?
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    San Francisco?

    @speedlanepr Uhh Diana literally made the reference of making work the biggest part of your life and said others find meaning outside of work. I understand founders have to make it their life but verbalizing it like that, makes you take a step back and think, “do I really want to make making...
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    YC rejection stings less after speaking with unicorn founder

    @perdedoras I love the way you put it.
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    San Francisco?

    @prinzleczy Good points!
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    YC rejection stings less after speaking with unicorn founder

    @enliven I have now met countless YC founders, somehow all in the past 12 months. Unsure if that is because of my own career growth or because they need customers/investors. But same exact conclusion as you -- I used to look up to YC until I met their clueless founders.
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    San Francisco?

    @savedsinner777 Very weird episode but a lot of their content is like this pushing SF. At the same time, it probably is the best place to be if you want to found a startup. I assume eat glass refers to the housing prices?