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    @mlm Sounds to me that you have a solid plan with precautionary measures and options. Definitely do not go all in on this idea until you are generating a sustainable amount of revenue. Here is what I suggest (Going to include obvious info for newcomers): DO NOT spend a single dollar or...
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    How to Properly Bootstrap Your SaaS: Idea Validation & Getting First Paying Customers

    @stephen583 Makes me really happy you found it useful. If you have any other questions or concerns my DMs are open!
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    How to Properly Bootstrap Your SaaS: Idea Validation & Getting First Paying Customers

    @bigfranck22 The simplest answer is to just promise them an “early bird” type of pricing model. Where that customer pays a one time fee for version 1 of your product. You might think you’re losing out on additional MRR but the first paying customers you have for your SaaS are actually the most...
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    How to Properly Bootstrap Your SaaS: Idea Validation & Getting First Paying Customers

    @deathbeforedishonor9453 Thank you so much! It’s all custom CSS. I did want to use a UI library like shadcn but felt rushing to get the waitlist out was more important. I need to fix up some mobile styling issues though hahaha
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    How to Properly Bootstrap Your SaaS: Idea Validation & Getting First Paying Customers

    @kaylarose3 I do actually. I am currently validating Affpaca. So right now, I'm spending most of my time cold dming/emailing potential users (mainly targeting SaaS founders with affiliate programs on their site so I can fill up my database with genuine affiliate programs).
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    How to Properly Bootstrap Your SaaS: Idea Validation & Getting First Paying Customers

    Hey guys, I replied to a post on r/startups and felt that it would be useful here. The user asked for suggestions on how he should approach building an idea and as someone who has successfully bootstrapped 2 SaaS products, I offered my advice: Idea Validation: DO NOT spend a single dollar or...