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  1. W

    Am I overbidding or underbidding for my first cleaning account??

    @christian39 From start to finish a space that size shouldn’t take longer than 45 minutes. So it’s small enough where you shouldn’t really factor time into your budget equation but instead factor a minimum trip charge. I think $50 per visit would be competitive And Add in about $350 for cleaning...
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    Sharing P&L with Employees

    @firsthandsemiuniversalist The way I see it; my managers already can figure out our gross revenue as they have to know the revenue per each of their clients and all that information is searchable in various documents. And I guess if they already know gross revenue they should know at least...
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    Sharing P&L with Employees

    @afolabi1024 I currently have no dashboards/reports I share company wide
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    independent contractor cleaning company’s

    @kerensa We try to keep all direct labor costs below 65% after payroll taxes, insurance, etc.
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    Sharing P&L with Employees

    @bcp1928 Yes this is my biggest fear. That’s why I was thinking of only providing the Cost of Goods Sold section (which they do have control over). And they would only then see Gross Profits.
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    Sharing P&L with Employees

    I run a business that does about $3m ARR. I have 4 managers and myself. I am considering opening up our P&L to them on a monthly basis so that they can have insight into the financials of the business. My goal is to motivate them and let them feel more in tune with everything. But I am a...