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  1. M

    Fix the leaky bucket : Reduce Churn : Scale 2k MRR to 10 k MRR

    Spoiler alert : post to build awareness on how my product can solve your retention problem. :) :) Tell me if you disagree : Why does a customer churn : While there could be many reasons for a customer to leave a platform, the most common is when a customer is "not...
  2. M

    SEO : this is what I am doing

    Here is a summary of what I am doing for SEO SEO is a slow burn. It's like a daily workout session. Think about distribution and SEO before your first line of code. I should have known this earlier. I used free resources to build my own knowledge. Spent almost a week reading various articles...
  3. M

    Chicken or egg : feedback board or 10 K MRR what comes first ?

    Here is the common link between : ( 10k MRR_) ( 58k MRR https://recapiogpt 5k MRR In the last few months, I have been reaching out to many Indiehackers and builders to impress upon the need of having a Feature board added to their product by...
  4. M

    Pros 'n Cons = Make rational decisions with AI!

    @wshare thats awesome !! please make choosing between drinks - martini Vs Scotch :) , easy on a serious note this sounds exciting ! best wishes for this !!